
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Drive Right In - A Creative Twist on Movie Night

It’s the weekend and the winter chill has you indoors now what to do with the kids. How about a Drive In Movie Night?  Thanks to Daily Candy for this creative twist idea. Parents and children make their own little box cars to watch their favorite movie. So let the creative juices flow.  See their video at Daily Candy.  Don’t forget the popcorn, hot chocolate and a good classic movie.  Maybe, pick a theme like old fun movies like Annie, The Wizard of Oz,  Baby’s Day Out, The Goonies, or Back to the Future.  Or you can chose newer picks like Tangled, Ice Age or my favorite Up!.  If you need help deciding on a movie try these sites Kids First Film Festival and Parents.  Does your family have a favorite movie?

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ella's Wool Helps Brooklyn's Children Stay Warm

Saga Merion Wool Dress

I am always looking for ways to keep the children warm during these long winter months so it was nice to discover Ella's wool. When family would visit from the UK, I always noticed how much warmer and durable their children's clothes were. Vibeke Kvan Johansen who is from Norway also noticed that the children's clothes were not the same when she moved to Brooklyn from her homeland. She wondered why children were not playing in the park during the  winter.  After some inquiry, she realized that children in Brooklyn did not have the warm woolen undergarments that her children had. This sparked her idea for her children's clothing line bringing Nordic knitwear brands to the United States. These brands use Merino wool in their clothing. Beside being very warm, wool from merino sheep is known for its incredible softness and its non-itch quality, so it’s ideal even for babies' sensitive skin.  Now her goal is to keep kids across America warm. Visit Ella's Wool to learn more.

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Toddler Story Time: Mosholu Library

 Librarians have influenced generations of children to enjoy reading. As a young child, I have fond memories of  Story Time at the Cypress Hills Library in Brooklyn.  With all the dire predictions that books will not be around much longer, it's great to hear Tiffany James' story about the work librarians are doing and the enjoyment young children still get from books. Tiffany is a librarian at the Mosholu Library in the Bronx, New York.

"There are many joys to being a librarian, especially a children's librarian. From children's hugs to say thank you, laughter when you read aloud a silly story, dancing and singing to songs such as "Shake Your Sillies Out" or "If You're Happy and You Know It." There's the excitement of a child who gets their first library card or the child on a class trip to the library who exclaims "wow" when they are introduced to the many wonderful resources one building can hold.

And of course I can't forget the lovely parents who bring me flowers, cookies, and chocolate. These simple joys make being a humble librarian worth it. Yet sometimes there is someone who goes the extra mile to say thank you and I appreciate what you do. This came recently when a patron who has been coming to the library for several years presented me with a lovely gift. A beautiful handmade quilt was given to me, perhaps one of the best gifts I have received. Along with the quilt was something even more beautiful, a hand written card to say "thank you" along with the following quote,

"At the moment that we persuade a child, any child, to cross the threshold, that magic threshold into the library, we change their lives forever, for the better."

—President Barack Obama (then Senator Obama)

What a pick me up! Perhaps my work is not in vain. The perks of being a librarian range on so many levels, but this was the icing on the cake.

Thank you to everyone who appreciates what librarians do.

The quilt now proudly hangs in the children's room at the NYPL, Mosholu Library."

Photograph by Tiffany James

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Google Science Fair 2013 has launched!

Google Science Fair 2013 – It’s Your Turn to Change the World
Calling all parents and teachers here is info for the budding scientists in your life from
Google.  Watch the video and be inspired.

The Google Science Fair 2013 has launched!

We are pleased to announce that the Google Science Fair 2013 in partnership with CERN, The LEGO Group, National Geographic and Scientific American, is now LIVE!
Students aged 13 - 18 from around the world are invited to ask questions and answer them through science experiments with a chance to win once-in-a-lifetime experiences, scholarships and real-life work opportunities.
This year we are accepting entries in English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Arabic, Hebrew, Polish, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese (BR), Korean, or Chinese (Hong Kong or Taiwan). Note that some additional eligibility requirements may apply in your country; check the Official Rules for details.
Go to to find out more information, and follow us on Google+, Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date.

Register now or tell your kids about it...
It's your turn to change the world

The Google Science Fair Team

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Hot Chocolate Festival 2013

There is no better way to chase the cold  winter blues than to warm up with a cup of hot chocolate. So it is quite appropriate that City Bakery-  3 West 18th Street, New York, NY has their Hot Chocolate Festival in February. Warm up with exotic concoctions with names like Happy Hot Chocolate, Spicy Fig Hot Chocolat, Ode to the Polar Bear, Expresso Hot Chocolate and Tropical Hot Chocolate.

For hot chocolate lovers who can't make it to the festival, many specialty restaurants and shops are offering a home version of their own brand of  hot chocolate. Check out

Sarabeth's offers their hot chocolate at their restaurants and online.

Godiva Chocolate has a milk chocolate cocoa and dark chocolate cocoa.

Jacque Torres - 350 Hudson Street, NY at King St. stop in for cup of very rich hot chocolate or visit online.

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